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XVII Intl. Congress for Analytical Psychology

Clinical - Communal - Cultural
© Dieter Klein, IAAP, 2004
© Dieter Klein, IAAP, 2004

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

12 - 17 August 2007, Cape Town, South Africa
Convention Centre


International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP)

Project details

The International Association for Analytical Psychology is organizing its 2007 Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.

The Congress will focus on Analytical Psychology that engages the contemporary world, and the finding of confirmations and challenges in numerous spheres, internally among schools of Jungian theory and practice as well as externally from other disciplines.

With this first IAAP Congress in Africa, the host country, South Africa, will be highlighted with its highly diverse, multi-ethnic society, and complicated history and politics.

In preparation for this Congress, which will entail journeys of many sorts, the Program Committee seeks to accent the fullness and diversity of IAAP's multiple encounters.

To enhance the exploration of interdisciplinary approaches as they interact and impact the theory and practice of analytical psychology, the organizers are striving to include experts from various disciplines such as cultural anthropology, the cognitive and neurosciences, sociology, evolutionary psychiatry, politics, history and so forth. Similarly, bands devoted to the Arts are anticipated, with attention to music, movement, film, along with fine arts.

Bands for clinical discussions: proposals involving small groups of analysts focusing on the clinical encounter are invited.


Monday August 13, 2007

  • Opening Address (English).  Mamphela Ramphele (South Africa)
  • "Trauma, Forgiveness and the Witnessing Dance: Making Public Spaces Intimate" (English).  Pumula Gobodo-Madikizela (South Africa)
  • "Shifting Shadows:  Shaping Dynamics in the Cultural Unconscious" (English). Catherine Kaplinsky (UK)
  • "Jungian Psychology in South Africa" (English).  Renos Papadopoulos (UK) and Graham Saayman (South Africa)
  • Breakouts


  • "There is a Crocodile in Me" - Ian McCalum (South Africa)

Tuesday August 14, 2007

  • "Race, Racism and Inter-racialism in Brazil:  Clinical and Cultural Perspectives" (English).  Walter Boechat and Paula Pantoja Boechat (Brazil)
  • "Das Fremde im Raum der Therapie" (Deutsch).  Uwe Langendorf (Germany)
  • Breakouts


  • Film: "Jung in Africa: The Historical Record" - Blake Burleson (USA)

Wednesday August 15, 2007

  • "My Heart is on My Tongue: the Untranslated Self in a Translated World" (English).  Antjie Krog (South Africa)
  • Panel: "Jung's Journey to Africa" (English).  John Beebe, Chair (USA), Nadine Gordimer (South Africa), Michael Vannoy Adams (USA), Sam Kimbles (USA)
  • Breakouts
  • Delegates Meeting


  • Drumming followed by "On Trail - The Interpretation of Wilderness" - Ian Player (South Africa)

Thursday August 16, 2007

  • "About the Transferential Chimera" (French/English).  François Martin-Vallas (France)
  • "Encounter with a Traditional Healer: Western and African Therapeutic Approaches in Dialogue" (Italian/English).  Suzanne Maiello (Italy)
  • "Brain Mechanisms of Dreaming" (English).  Mark Solms (South Africa) and Response by Margaret Wilkinson (UK)
  • Breakouts


  • Hospitality

 Friday August 17, 2007

  • "New Directions Home:  African Oracles and Analytic Attitudes" (English).  Sherry Salman (USA)
  • Panel: "The Idea of the Numinous" (English).  Ann Casement, Chair (UK), John Dourley (Canada), Murray Stein (Switzerland), David Tacey (Australia), Ann Ulanov (USA)
  • Breakouts
  • Wrap Up
  • Closing Remarks
  • Banquet

External links

Volunteering Opportunities

Interpretation from and to English, French, Spanish, Italien, German

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