Calendario de proyectos de ICVoluntarios2007 (50 projects) - 14 - 16 Diciembre 2007 — Foro por una Paz Justa en Oriente Próximo
Madrid, EspañaEl Foro por una Paz Justa en Oriente Próximo es un espacio de la sociedad civil (aunando al mayor número posible de actores) que busca el desarrollo de un movimiento solidario que impulse un nuevo proceso político de paz así como lanzar tantas propuestas como sean necesarias para lograr una paz justa y duradera en la región y fortalecer el papel de la sociedad civil. - 11 - 13 Diciembre 2007 — Third Global Knowledge Conference
Kuala Lumpur, MalasiaThe Third Global Knowledge Conference (GK3) is a gathering of 2000 global visionaries, innovators, practitioners and policy makers, all geared to sharing knowledge and building partnerships. - 05 Diciembre 2007 — International Volunteer Day
Rio de Janeiro, BrasilPara comemorar o Dia Internacional do Voluntário, 05 de dezembro, e a parceria com o ICVolunteers a Converdgencia, ICV desk Brasil, promoveu um debate e uma festa em homenagem aos seus voluntários e Instituições parceiras, na sala da Universidade Candido Mendes, no centro do Rio de Janeiro. - 04 Diciembre 2007 — Youth Debate: Fuels for the Future
Geneva, Suiza350 students from Geneva are expected to participate in the youth debate organized on 4 December 2007 at the International Conference Centre. - 03 - 05 Diciembre 2007 — Swiss Proteomics Society 2007 Congress
Lausanne, SuizaOn the 3rd of December 2007, the congress of the Swiss Proteomics Society will start in Lausanne, at the Ecole Hôtelière. - 22 - 24 Noviembre 2007 — International Colloquium: governance - towards a conceptual framework
Genève, SuizaThis academic colloqium focused on the concept and use of the word "governance". - 20 Noviembre 2007 — Humagora 2007
Geneva, SuizaHumagora is a platform of exchange and dialogue that aims to develop partnerships between the private and the third sector. - 15 - 17 Noviembre 2007 — Arnova Annual Conference
Atlanta, Estados UnidosMost volunteer organizations now maintain websites that provide information about what they are doing. - 14 - 16 Noviembre 2007 — Congreso Internacional 'Ãfrica-Occidente'
Huelva, EspañaDesde tiempos antiguos el nombre de África se ha relacionado con la imagen de una tierra cálida y llena de sol. - 11 - 16 Noviembre 2007 — Internet Governance Forum
Rio de Janeiro, BrasilThe Internet Governance Forum is an outcome of the Tunis phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which took place in 2005. - 03 Noviembre 2007 — Down Syndrome Association First Fun Walk
Mitchells Plain, SudáfricaOn 3rd November 2007, a fun day creating awareness regarding persons with Down Syndrome took place in the Cape Town region. - 28 - 30 Octubre 2007 — Conferencia anual de Eurodad
Oslo, NoruegaEl tradicional Crongreso de la Red Europea sobre la Deuda y el Desarrollo (Eurodad) tendrá lugar este año en Olso, Noruega, del 28 al 30 de octubre. - 10 Octubre - 20 Diciembre 2007 — Intellectual Property Watch
FranciaIP Watch es una agencia de noticias sin fines de lucro ubicada en Ginebra, que informa sobre los intereses y la dinámica que influye en el diseño y la implementación de políticas internacionales de propiedad intelectual. - 24 - 26 Septiembre 2007 — Global Forum on Youth and ICT4D
Geneva, SuizaIn an increasingly globalized world, the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the economic, social, cultural, political and individual spheres of life has dramatically transformed societies. - 24 - 25 Septiembre 2007 — Geneva Private Capital Symposium
Geneva, SuizaThe Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations (CASIN) is organising the 2nd Geneva Private Capital Symposium which will focus on Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) investment in emerging and frontier markets. - 21 Septiembre 2007 — ICTs for Africa
Geneva, SuizaRoom: CCV, room C, rue Varembé, GenevaTime: plenary 9:30-13:00, breakout session 15:00-18:00. - 19 Septiembre 2007 — Languages and Migration: exchange and methodology workshop
Geneva, SuizaThe objective of the round table is to facilitate exchange between the ICV offices that are working on the Migration and Language Project. - 05 - 06 Septiembre 2007 — BOINC Workshop 07
Geneva, SuizaThe 7th BOINC workshop will take place in Geneva on 5 and 6 September 2007. - 27 - 31 Agosto 2007 — World Federalist Movement Congress
Geneva, SuizaThe World Federalist Movement is an international citizen's movement working for justice, peace, and sustainable prosperity. - 27 - 31 Agosto 2007 — World Federalist Movement Congress 60th Anniversary
Geneva, SuizaThis is a unique opportunity to assist in the World Federalist Movement's XXV World Congress celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Movement! The Congress is charged with forming the fundamental policies that will guide the work of our Movement as a whole. - 12 - 17 Agosto 2007 — XVII Intl. Congress for Analytical Psychology
Cape Town, SudáfricaThe International Association for Analytical Psychology is organizing its 2007 Congress in Cape Town, South Africa. - 08 Agosto 2007 — UniswaNet Partnership Initiative
SuazilandiaUNISWA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the University of Swaziland, and a Swiss Consortium composed of ICVolunteers, EarthFocus Foundation and Stiftungszentrum are officially launching a new partnership. - 16 - 22 Julio 2007 — Africa@home: AIMS workshop on Volunteer Computing
Muizenberg (Cape Province), SudáfricaThe AIMS workshop on Volunteer Computing for Africa will introduce participants to state-of-the-art open source software technologies behind distributed computing and cyber-volunteerism on the Internet. - 28 - 30 Junio 2007 — Civil Society Development Forum 2007
Geneva, SuizaCONGO and its United Nations partners, with significant support from the Swiss and Geneva authorities, organized this Forum - in which more than 500 persons from intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental circles participated - with two goals. - 27 Junio - 05 Julio 2007 — Seminario de Misiones Sociales
Valencia, FranciaHandicap International es una organización internacional especializada en el campo de la discapacidad. - 22 - 24 Junio 2007 — Geneva Music Festival
Geneva, SuizaThis year, the 17th annual Geneva Music Festival will take place June 22nd through 24th, 2007. - 15 - 16 Junio 2007 — Training of ICVolontaires-Mali
Bamako, MaliThe presence of ICVolunteers in Mali is not new; since 2002, a series of projects have been implemented. - 09 - 10 Junio 2007 — 6th Geneva Sustainable Living Festival
Genève, SuizaThe festival leaves Plainpalais to settle on the lush green landscape of the Botanical Garden near the Lac Leman to join the garden exposition on the 9th and 10th of June. - 04 - 08 Junio 2007 — Tracking Global Climate Change
Geneva, SuizaThe Media21 Global Journalism Network Geneva is a program of the Swiss-based media network, InfoSud. - 29 Mayo - 19 Junio 2007 — VoLTerre II: Projet Green Map System®
Canton de Vaud, SuizaAs part of the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers has launched several initiatives linking the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), education and training. - 24 Mayo 2007 — Consultation on Facilitation of WSIS Action Line C8
Geneva, SuizaAfter the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Geneva 2003, Tunis 2005 - evaluation meetings are held once a year in Geneva. - 22 - 24 Mayo 2007 — MOVE Conference
Bruxelles, BélgicaCoordinated by the European Volunteer Centre (CEV), MOVE (Mutual Recognition of skills and competences learned through volunteering) focuses on mutual recognition of skills and competences learned through volunteering amongst different stakeholders from the voluntary sector, business, formal education and government as well as accreditation bodies. - 19 - 25 Mayo 2007 — Festival Balélec
Lausanne, SuizaPour la 27ème édition du Festival Balélec à l'EPFL, ICVolontaires s'associe au plus grand événement culturel organisé par des étudiants en Europe. - 09 - 11 Mayo 2007 — Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007
Geneva, SuizaThe International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is focusing on its growing role of bringing global health initiatives to local community level through its network of volunteers across the world. - 06 Mayo 2007 — Genève Marathon 2007
Genève, SuizaAvec le retour du printemps aura lieu le Marathon de Genève. - 23 - 25 Abril 2007 — Humanitarian Demining Meetings
Geneva, SuizaEvery year, thousands of people step on landmines and loose limbs or their lives over it. - 10 Abril 2007 — VolTerre
As part of the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers has launched several initiatives linking the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), education and training. - 02 Abril 2007 — Inauguration of the new offices of ICV-France
Ferney-Voltaire, FranciaThe years go by and it is already 10 years ago that the first foundations of ICVolunteers were laid with the preparations of the 12th World AIDS Conference volunteer program in Geneva. - 28 - 31 Marcha 2007 — Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe
Valencia, FranciaWe participated on the behalf of Handicap International to interpret for a Romanian participant, Paul Ciobanel, who is the director of the only school of prosthetics and orthotics in Romania. - 28 Marcha 2007 — ARC International UN Pannel
No hay resumen disponible. - 23 - 24 Marcha 2007 — 1er Congrés del Tecer Sector Social
Barcelona, EspañaEl 1er Congrés del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya neix amb la voluntat d' esdevenir un moment clau per debatre i aprofundir en els reptes principals de la millora del Tercer Sector Social tot enfortint la cohesió entre les entitats i el seu reconeixement com a agents influents en les polítiques socials. - 07 - 08 Marcha 2007 — High Tech ... No Rights?
Genève et Lausanne, SuizaSous le thème, l'industrie des ordinateurs (dans les pays en développement), cette table ronde se propose de faire le point sur les conditions de travail dans l'industrie des ordinateurs, de Pékin à Mexico. - 06 Marcha 2007 — The Climate Change Debate
Geneva, SuizaYoung people from Collège du Léman and the International School of Geneva gathered on 6 March at the International Environmental House in Geneva to discuss the issue of Climate Change. - 22 Febrero 2007 — Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace
Paris, FranciaDans le cadre de la Journée Internationale de la Langue Maternelle (21 février), le Language Observatory Project (LOP) du Japon, en partenariat avec le Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique, Maaya, et avec le soutien de l'UNESCO, organise un séminaire sur les récentes recherches réalisées afin de mesurer la présence de certaines langues dans le monde de l'Internet. - 19 - 20 Febrero 2007 — Réunion du Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique
Barcelona, EspañaCréé lors de la deuxième phase du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information, le Réseau Mondial pour la Diversité Linguistique est un réseau multiacteur abordant les questions liées à la diversité linguistique. - 12 Febrero - 27 Abril 2007 — Prácticas en interpretación: estudios de desarrollo
Ginebra, SuizaICVoluntarios ofrece prácticas en interpretación en el entorno universitario, en el contexto del "International Master of Advanced Studies" en estudios de desarrollo. - 02 Febrero - 22 Diciembre 2007 — Coordinator of ICV-Desk in Senegal
Yoff, Dakar, SenegalDesignation: ICV Desk Coordinator (could be one or a team of 2 or 3 persons). - 23 - 25 Enero 2007 — Aid and Trade Forum
Geneva, SuizaThe world's humanitarian challenges consistently increase in complexity and scale. - 18 Enero 2007 — Rester Br@nché pour durer
Geneva, SuizaLecteurs MP3, téléphones portables, ordianteurs portables. - 10 - 21 Enero 2007 — Immigration: Labor Integration Guide
Barcelona, EspañaWithin the last 10 years, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration. | |