Calendario de proyectos de ICVoluntarios

XIV Conferencia Mundial sobre el SIDA

Resumen del proyecto

Fecha y lugar

07 - 12 Julio 2002, Barcelona, España
Barcelone Convention Center


AIDS 2002.

Detalles del proyecto

The 12th World AIDS Conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The Volunteer Program was an important part of the Conference. In 2000 a number of ICVolunteers took part in AIDS2000 in Durban, South Africa. This year Barcelona was hosting the conference, which was attended by some 15,000 participants.

Delegates included leading scientists and clinicians, health care workers, public health agencies, people living with HIV/AIDS (PWA), politicians, NGOs and, of course, the media.

Oportunidades de voluntariado

ICVolunteers participated in the conference, carrying out a wide variety of tasks including:

  • Community: child care, social welfare, arts
  • Assistance at the media room with communications and publicity
  • Health care
  • Information technology
  • Information and ushering: airport, city center and conference venue
  • Interpreting, translating
  • Organization
  • Administration
  • Public relations
  • PWA Lounge: hosts
  • Transport

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