Calendario de proyectos de ICVoluntarios

17ª Reunión bi-anual de la Sociédad Suiza de Gerontología

Resumen del proyecto

Fecha y lugar

31 Octubre - 02 Noviembre 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (CICG)


Société Suisse de Gérontologie.

Detalles del proyecto

Each annual conference of the SSG is placed under a specific theme. The theme chosen for this year's conference has not yet been communicated to us.

The annual conferences of the SSG usually benefit from the participation of a large number of qualified speakers from the medical world, from geriatric institutions, research institutes and other entities specialized in the field of gerontology. The conferences also include the annual General Assembly of the Society.

External links Society for Gerontology

Oportunidades de voluntariado

Some 300 delegates are expected to attend. Approximately 30 volunteers are required, before the conference to help with planning and organization, and during the conference itself to provide assistance to the delegates.

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