ICVolunteers Projects CalendarMali: E-GovernanceProject at a glanceDates and Place16 March 2004 - 16 March 2005, MaliProject detailsProject Summary The initiative "e-governance in Mali" is a capacity building project aimed at local authorities in the field of the use and embracement of ICTs for a harmonious and sustainable local development. It aims to respond to a concern expressed by actors and partners working in the field of decentralization in Mali and using ICTs: the integrated development and appropriation of ICTs by the local electorate and actors to territorial collectivities in Mali. Down the road, this knowledge transfer will also make possible the direct implication of the local populations in the development of ICTs. The project is the result of a solid partnership between Malian and international organizations and structures involved in ICTs and the local authorities. The initiative includes a range of working areas, from the development of local management tools to the web sites for local authorities, and sharing of experience. The first field of intervention of local e-governance in Mali will focus on the region of Koulikoro, which is located some 50 kilometers from the capital city Bamako. Role of the Cyber-VolunteersThe cyber-volunteers contribute to the development of a web site linked to decentralization in Mali. Other tasks linked to ICTs will follow, particularly the development of software applications for local governance (population and cadastral registers, local taxes, accounting, local project supervision and management, human resource management). Another important field includes the preparation of training materials related to the tools made available to municipalities, as well as local training sessions for employees of urban communities. This training of users of tools starts with the introduction to computers for some, the management of tools for others. PartnersAll major Malian entities involved in the decentralization and development process in Mali, with the support of the following international structures: PAVD (Projet d'Appui des Volontaires des Nations Unies à la Décentralisation); UNITAR (Institut des Nations Unies pour la Formation et la Recherche) / YAAKAARE (Réseau Eurafricain pour le Développement Intégré, les Droits de l'Homme et les Relations Interculturelles); CEPROCID (Centre de Promotion de la Citoyenneté pour le Développement Durable à la Base). CyberVolunteers Program partners are in particular Coopération française (SCAC); Association des Municipalités du Mali and Haut Conseil des Collectivités Territoriales, Community Multimedias Centers of UNESCO. Posted: 2007-8-18 Updated: 2008-9-06 |