ICVolunteers Projects Calendar'Biodiversité, science et gouvernance' ou 'Biodiversité, pillages et corruption'?Project at a glanceDates and Place24 January - 26 May 2005, Paris, FranceUNESCO OrganizersGreenpeace France. Project detailsIn order to contribute to the Convention for Biodiversity, the French government has organized, from 24 to 28 January 2005 in Paris an international conference titled "Biodiversité: Science et gouvernance". Amis de la Terre and Greenpeace participated in order to convince political leaders of the importance to act. Organizers however feared that speech could follow speech. This is why two environmental organizations decided to associate in order to mobilize researchers, political leaders and citizens around a central question: How do we move from talk to action in the field of the protection of biodiversity?
Conferences and debates: MONDAY 24 JANUARY 2005: Conférence - Débat Greenpeace "Exploitation industrielle, destruction de la biodiversité et non gouvernance dans le Bassin du Congo" En présence de Francis Hallé, Conservation International, Cath Long (Rainforest Foundation), François-Xavier Verschave (Survie) TUESDAY 25 JANUARY 2005: Conférence - Débat Greenpeace "Braconnage à échelle industrielle et conséquences sur la biodiversité" WEDNESDAY 26 JANUARY 2005: Conférence - Débat Greenpeace "Populations et biodiversité: Quelle vision alternative pour le Bassin du Congo?" Role of ICVolunteersThree volunteer interpreters worked from and to French and English. External linksPosted: 2006-2-08 Updated: 2006-8-12 |