ICVolunteers Projects Calendar

9th International Metropolis Conference

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

27 September - 01 October 2004, Geneva, Switzerland


Symporg / The Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, The International Organization for Migration, Geneva's Bureau for Integration.

Project details

The International Metropolis Project is a set of coordinated activities carried out by a membership of research, policy and non-governmental organizations who share a vision of strengthened migration policy by means of applied academic research. The Metropolis membership, now from over twenty countries and a number of international research and policy organizations representing a wide range of policy and academic interests, is sustained by the attractions of its core idea. It is the promise of more effective policy making, more socially meaningful research practices, and the excitement of international collaboration towards common goals that bring people to the Metropolis table to turn a vision into a concrete project.

The underlying idea is that the members will work collaboratively on issues of immigration and integration, always with the goal of strengthening policy and thereby allowing societies to better manage the challenges and opportunities that immigration presents, especially to their cities.

Role of ICVolunteers

35 volunteers were in charge of welcome desk, distributing bags and badges and serving food & drinks.

External links


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