ICVolunteers Projects Calendar

Annual Conference of the Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

02 - 07 February 2004, Geneva, Switzerland


Fédération des associations des fonctionnaires internationaux

Project details

FICSA? the Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations? was created to protect the rights of the staff of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, funds and programmes, and to represent their interests in inter-agency bodies that make decisions and recommendations on conditions of service.

FICSA is a federated group of 27 staff associations and unions from organizations belonging to the United Nations common system. Eight staff associations and unions from organizations outside the UN system are associate members and a further 24 staff associations and unions from outside the common system are consultative members. Twenty-one Federations of United Nations Staff Associations (FUNSA) are observers.

The annual meeting of The 57th Session of the FICSA Council brought together about 200 civil servants from around the world. They discussed issues related to their professional duties, legal and managerial issues.

External links


Volunteering Opportunities

Two interpreters worked from and to French and English.

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