Debt and Aid: Challenges and Opportunities for European NGOs

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

28 - 30 November 2004, Soesterberg, Netherlands


Eurodad, Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA).

Project details

Eurodad's 2004 Annual Conference explored the role of European NGOs in relation to debt and aid, considering which institutions to target and what strategies to employ to create real change. The Conference was a place to hear presentations from well-informed researchers and campaigners, to debate ideas and form common plans. Eurodad is a network of 48 development non-governmental organisations from 15 European countries working for national economic and international financing policies that achieve poverty reduction and the empowerment of the poor.

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Volunteering Opportunities

ICVolunteers recruited and coordinated 5 volunteer interpreters to take care of interpretation from and to English, French and Spanish.

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