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On the move for the World Blind Union Assembly

Toney (middle) at the training, learning how to accompany blind and partially sighed people.
Toney (middle) at the training, learning how to accompany blind and partially sighed people.
Toney Tulin, Volunteer from Malaysia, living in Zurich, traducción española Diego Beamonte
31 August 2008

I was assisting as a volunteer at the World Blind Union's 7th General Assembly at Geneva's International Conference Centre (CICG), 14-22 August 2008.

The tasks I got to take part in, such as the meet & greet of attendees at the airport, transfer to hotel & CICG, assisting with registration desk and helping delegates and officials with special requests, have fulfilled me.

I was pleased that Asia pacific members voted me to be in charge of counting the vote and announce the newly elected president and vice president for Asia Pacific Blind Union for 2008.

During my work with the World Blind Union (WBU), I had the opportunity to meet so many people -- blind and sighted alike -- from different countries and cultural backgrounds. I am proud that I could help and make a difference. It was a refreshing experience to do volunteer work this year. Whereas other years I used my holidays to go shopping or spend my time with less rewarding tasks. I feel like I have found my path towards a worthy and satisfying job in the humanitarian field.

The people I met explained to me how they stand up for their rights and the good of all disabled persons in the World. I did learn much about the needs of the blind.

A blind attendee from Africa, an elderly lady came up to me and said: "Toney you have so much energy, why don't you put it to use with a career in the field of helping people in need?" I was a little surprised, but finally realised that she is right and all the shopping in the world cannot be as fulfilling as a job in the humanitarian field.

With all the impressions I was able to collect, I can say that I really enjoyed the work for WBU. I was well accepted and felt like one of the "ICV volunteers family". For accommodation I had covered the cost myself as I have trouble sleeping in shared accommodation. But it was well worth it, because the work was the reward.

I would like to say how thankful I am to ICVolunteers and the WBU for the opportunity and would love to take part in assisting with future venues again.

To Glyn, I thank you for all the care, especially as my eyes got infected and I needed to see a doctor. To Lwiise, thanks much for taking care of our lunch. You both did a great job in making this work. It was well organized and planned.

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