ICV Around the World


Pagina en Català


ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcelona is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Barcelona. Its goal is the mobilization, training and coordination of volunteers for non-profit projects (conference support, cybervolunteering, and language services).

ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcelona is one of the European representations of ICVolunteers, a worldwide network of volunteers specialized in the field of communications. Founded in 2006, ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcelona is the Southern European representation of the ICVolunteers network.

Catalan-based non-profit association, ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcelona cultivates a European vision. Our activities have expanded to other areas such as training through volunteer work, responding to specific needs and corresponding to ICVolunteers' philosophy and ethics.


As a Catalan association, ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcleona cultivates a European vision. Its activities are in agreement with the philosophy and ethics of ICVolunteers, but aim to focus on priorities of its working environment, such as, for example, training programs through volunteerism, responding to very specific and tangible needs. In addition, ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcleona facilitates for example the participation of volunteers through different exchange programs, in particular in the context of the European Youth Program. ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcleona also the initatitor of our "language and migration" project. Learn more about our projects...

Our Programs

ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcelona proposes a great variety of volunteer opportunities with public and private entities, ONGs and international institutions.

Exchange Program

ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcelona manages an exchange program at European and international levels.

Long term: in one of our offices abroad (Canada, Switzerland, Mali...): projects management, translation of documents, scientific online research, interpretation...

Short term: in collaboration with our partner organizations, linked to specific projects in Europe and at the international level...


Our conference volunteer program offers support to organizers of non-profit conferences and events, focusing on social, humanitarian, scientific and environmental subjects. We advise organizers of conferences on the overall organization of their events putting our experience and technical knowledge at their disposal, e.g. logistics, report writing and language services (translation and interpretation).


The CyberVolunteers Program recruits, trains and coordinates volunteers with information and communication technology (ICT) skills for development projects. Volunteers participate at the local, regional and international levels, offering their skills and knowledge in areas such as web development, system administration or contents development.


In view of the increasing demand for services related to immigration, ICVoluntari(o)s-Barcelona is pioneering a pilot project focusing on immigration and languages. Volunteers from the immigration community themselves are those who welcome new immigrants, helping them with their language needs, making volunteering a means of integration for newcomers and already well-integrated citizens of foreign origin.


Among our partners are: Linguamón - House of Languages, Federació Catalana de Voluntariat, Generalitat de Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Xarxanet.

ICVoluntarios yesterday and today

  • 1997: Viola Krebs recruits the first volunteers for the 12th World AIDS Conference (AIDS 98) in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 1999: Following this success, Krebs founds ICVolunteers.
  • 2005: ICVoluntarios obtains Special Consultative Status with the Social and Economic Commission of the United Nations (ECOSOC). On 21 October 2005, ICVolunteers becomes an international federation.
  • 2006: ICVoluntarios-Barcelona is founded.


Day-to-day operations are managed by the coordination team, headed by Maria Vila and Noëlia Jover.

©1998-2025 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|Privacy|