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CRESP Senegal

The CRESP (Center de Ressources pour l'Emergence Sociale Participative) Senegal is an ONG dedicated to the fight against hunger and poverty, working in the field of the sustainable local development, as well as preservation of the environment and of traditional wisdom in Africa. It works with two community networks in 60 villages and local communities integrating both national and international volunteers. CRESP carries out both at internal projects operated by its own personnel and its consultants and independent projects managed by other groups in collaboration with the CRESP, among which is ICVolunteers.


The NGO:

The EcoYoff Living & Learning Center focuses on the Senegal Ecovillage Network (GENSEN). and provides formal and non-formal education and training in literacy, five dimensions of ecological and community technologies, preschool health, nutrition and early childhood education, international and local university sustainability studies, internships and volunteer opportunities in service learning, participatory action research and design of development programs.

The CRESP ICT Training Center provides training in the participatory creation of databases and websites for local government belonging to the Syst猫me d'information Populaire (SIP) network; and also runs community computer literacy courses and a cybercenter.


CRESP S茅n茅gal, BP 8873, Dakar-Yoff, S茅n茅gal

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